

Created by Levi Combs

Celebrating our fourth year of putting the grind back into the Grindhouse, Planet X Games is bringing you The Phylactery Omnibus - a thick, overstuffed 6" x 9" hardbound collection of our first four zines (The Phylactery 1-4). This volume includes an additional 50+ pages of ALL NEW, never before seen content, along with creator interviews, a cover gallery, bonus art and a sketchbook that takes a look at the evolution of the zine since its inception. The content of The Phylactery zines is ALL OSR, ALL THE TIME – completely compatible with clones, retro clones and spawn-vat simulacra from early editions of the world’s most popular fantasy RPG. This big ole' boy is perfect for the "plug-n-play, straight from the page to the table" function that the original issues are known for.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

BackerKit Surveys, Con News and Some All-New Grindhouse-splosion!
over 2 years ago – Mon, Sep 26, 2022 at 05:01:02 PM

Hello everyone! Quick update this morning.

We are 100% on schedule and rolling right along for delivery of The Phylactery 4 and The Phylactery Omnibus in December. If things continue to go well we may even get there early!

The lowdown:

  • Backerkit surveys have been submitted for approval and should be out to you guys this week. Keep an eye open for those hitting your inboxes.
  • We are awaiting physical proofs for both The Phylactery 4 and The Phylactery Omnibus here at Planet X HQ and as soon as we have confirmation that all is good to go, we'll let you guys know the status of everything as it develops!
  • For those of you in select tiers, please remember that you can access your PDFs in the previous few project updates.
  • Add-ons will be available in Backerkit so if you missed something from our past catalog, you'll be able to pick it up there.

Some quick con news! Planet X Games will be at Gamehole Con in Madison, Wi on October 20th through October 23rd. You can find us on Demo Row, right by the entrance and next to The Independent Publisher's Union.  We'll have an exclusive limited edition zine on hand for a handful of folks stopping by the booth, so swing on through, get all the high fives you can handle and maybe there'll be some free gaming loot for ya!

Cover to THREE CURSES FOR SISTER SAREN by Adrian Landeros

We also have an all-new project getting ready to begin crowdfunding on KIckstarter in October, so if you've liked our past stuff, take a second to click the sign up link for our new 5E adventure module THREE CURSES FOR SISTER SAREN. You can get it HERE IN ALL ITS GRINDHOUSE GLORY.

Thanks for backing The Phylactery 4 and The Phylactery Omnibus! You guys raaaaaaawk.


The Final, Revised PDF for The Phylactery Omnibus is Here! Yes! Right In Here!
over 2 years ago – Thu, Sep 15, 2022 at 01:01:19 AM

This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read.

over 2 years ago – Fri, Sep 09, 2022 at 11:31:30 AM

This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read.

Phylactery Omnibus PDF Nearing Completion!
over 2 years ago – Mon, Aug 22, 2022 at 08:24:13 PM

Hello everyone! I just wanted to drop a quick update and let you guys know that The Phylactery Omnibus is nearing completion. Here’s the cover and a few sample pages from the book’s bonus material. Enjoy! 

Cover by Travis Hanson
Scion of Yugg by JE Shields
The Wraith of Many Eyes by Adrian Landeros
Bore-Worms of them Jotun Cairn by JE Shields
Black Skald’s Lament by JE Shields

I’ll keep you guys posted as we move forward. Thanks again for backing this project! You guys raaaaaaaawk!


Summer Update!
over 2 years ago – Thu, Jul 14, 2022 at 12:43:51 AM

Hello everyone!

While there's not much to say in the way of an update this month aside from the usual chuggin' along in the layout and design process (of which we are very hard at work at), I did want to share something special with everyone who backed The Phylactery 4 and The Phylactery Omnibus.

The Phylactery Omnibus is dedicated to the memory of Doug Rhea - father, husband, son, life-long gamer and founder of the best kept secret in Texas - the North Texas RPG Con. For this update, I wanted to share that dedication with you guys.

Portrait by Ed Bickford

Every once and awhile there’s a person who comes along who is in a class by themselves. They unite and inspire others… and make it look easy in the process. Through them, everyone feels comfortable no matter what the circumstances might be and there’s always a joke to nudge even the most socially awkward amongst us into a conversation. The kind of person who’s one-half ancient kung fu master atop the mountain, doling out guidance and wisdom and one-half casual entertainer, holding court around a table full of smiling faces.

To me, that was Doug Rhea.

A quick flashback to 2018 for a quick second. A good friend and mentor of mine had been telling me for years that I had to get out to Texas for this great little RPG convention. He kept insisting it wasn’t like anything else in our hobby. Not just another weekend of games and friendly faces around the table. This was a special place. Hallowed ground even! He claimed OGs from the earliest days of the hobby hung out with zero pretension, rubbing elbows with fans and newer creators alike. Games you hadn’t heard of in years were being played regularly. If you had a handful of dice and a good attitude, there was always a game going on somewhere with your name on it. “You gotta come to Texas man!” he enthusiastically implored over the phone… and so I did.

When I finally arrived at the North Texas RPG Convention, the guy sitting behind the desk at the check-in counter was loud, brash, larger-than-life and had me laughing within seconds. His shoot from the hip attitude and friendly disposition set me at ease immediately. Who was this brazen man of mystery? I had just met Doug Rhea, the convention’s founder! Instantly I knew I had come to the right place.

The North Texas RPG Convention (or NTRPG to those of us who return year after year) is part of Doug’s legacy. Its more than just a convention – it’s an extension of the man himself. A place where lifelong friendships are formed. A small, personal space where everyone is welcome as long as you’re up for a night of tossin’ dice, telling stories and sharing laughter. Everyone who attends NTRPG takes a little bit of it back home with them, and with that, a piece of Doug.

I’m fairly confident in saying you wouldn’t be reading this book right now if it weren’t for Doug Rhea. Attending NTRPG for the first time in 2018 and discovering the wonder of this small con was huge for me. From this one amazing experience flowed a tidal wave of encouragement, collaboration and friendships which continues to this day. All of the wonderful people I’ve met at NTRPG wouldn’t be in my life if Doug had not created this fantastic common ground for us to share stories, play games and forge memories.

Doug was lots of things to lots of folks – a father, a husband, a friend, a Marine, a life-long gamer. There are many, many others who knew him far better and could speak to what made the man so beloved among his peers, friends and colleagues. I can only end this by saying - to me - he inspired a boundless sense of positivity, charity, fellowship and creativity. I am forever grateful for the mark he put upon our hobby and for the bounty of friendships which have come my way thanks to Doug and NTRPG.

Rest in Peace Doug. This book is for you sir.

Take care of each other... and yourselves!
