Celebrating our fourth year of putting the grind back into the Grindhouse, Planet X Games is bringing you The Phylactery Omnibus - a thick, overstuffed 6" x 9" hardbound collection of our first four zines (The Phylactery 1-4). This volume includes an additional 50+ pages of ALL NEW, never before seen content, along with creator interviews, a cover gallery, bonus art and a sketchbook that takes a look at the evolution of the zine since its inception.
The content of The Phylactery zines is ALL OSR, ALL THE TIME – completely compatible with clones, retro clones and spawn-vat simulacra from early editions of the world’s most popular fantasy RPG. This big ole' boy is perfect for the "plug-n-play, straight from the page to the table" function that the original issues are known for.
Latest Updates from Our Project:
A Very Small (But Crucial!) Update
about 2 years ago
– Wed, Nov 30, 2022 at 05:44:53 AM
Just popping in for a quick update real quick.
The printer is still telling me that Thursday, December 8th is when the hardbound copies of The Phylactery Omnibus should ship to the warehouse. This is a GOOD sign, as I was quietly expecting there to be at least one delay in the process (because there usually is with this particular printer).
The Phylactery 4 is deep into the printing process at another printer and if all goes well should be shipping to the warehouse right around the same time. This particular printer is always on point so this is also good news.
Also! We are in the shipping queue at the warehouse, though it may be early January before the books start to ship. Time will tell. The folks at Flying Cloud Fulfilment are experts at what they do, so if they can fit it in, I fully expect them to.
There's nothing else to really tell at the moment but as soon as I see movement on either, I'll keep you guys up to date.
Thanks again for backing this project - I can't wait to get these into your hands!
Great News! The Phylactery Omnibus & The Phylactery 4 are at The Printer!
about 2 years ago
– Wed, Nov 23, 2022 at 05:37:45 AM
Good morning everyone! We've got some great news today.
After almost a month of back-and-forth with the printer about the spine of the books (which was super loose on the first print proof), we've received a new print proof and it is looking much, much better! a 100% improvement.
While this has put us behind schedule a month longer than anticipated, I'm happy to say that I placed the print order this morning and your books will be printing shortly!
A brief explanation of went wrong with the printer is in order though, so please hang with me here for a few paragraphs more.
When I opened the first printer proof, there was a substantial gap between the pages and the hardcase spine. While a gap is normal with this kind of book (even if it is Smythe-bound, which The Phylactery Omnibus is NOT) it seemed excessive. In the industry, this gap is called the tube and is part of the construction of a hardcover. It allows you to open a book without placing strain on the binding. I compared it to many of the books on my own shelves and while there is a gap in almost all of them, the one on the first proof for The Phylactery Omnibus seemed very excessive.
I addressed this with the team at the printer and we made a second run at the book. After some back and forth and waiting on another printer proof to get here, it arrived and the second proof has been approved. There's still a gap, but its a normal sized gap that looks like the other ones on my shelf. Crisis averted!
So there you go guys! After a small halt in progress, we're back on track and BOTH of your books (the zine and the omnibus) are at the printer. Once they are printed and shipped to the warehouse we'll get these bad boys shipped out to you!
Thank you for your patience everyone. We are really stoked to get this into your hands and see it get play at the table. Look for another update as soon as the books are headed to the warehouse!
Physical Printer Proofs Have Arrived!
about 2 years ago
– Wed, Oct 26, 2022 at 01:01:54 PM
Hello friends! I’ve got mixed news in this update, but news nonetheless!
First, the good news!
The printer proofs for THE PHYLACTERY OMNIBUS have arrived on the doorstep of Planet X HQ… and boy does it look glorious!
As you can see, it‘s a pretty suh-weeeeeet looking omnibus courtesy of our fantastic artists & cartographers, our talented graphic designer Tracey Steele and the fine folks at MIXAM.
So, now for the (slightly) unfortunate news!
The glue on the spine looks to have come loose, which is just something I cannot have in a proof, much less a finished product. I have shown this to everyone on the production side of the team, as well as a few other trusted publishers and everyone agrees - not acceptable. We dont want you getting your books only to have them come apart a year later. That’s just not professional and definitely not us. We want this bad boy to sing in your hands and last at the table for years to come. So, where do we go from here?
I have an email (with pics) in to MIXAM and I’m just waiting on the CSR to get back with me. If I don‘t hear from them by tomorrow, i will call them directly. Once I know something for certain, I will let everyone know where we stand and/or what corrective measures we will take.
We’re close guys, real close! We are still on schedule and hope to have this in your hands soon, so thanks for your patience.
See you next update!
Proofs Are Inbound!
about 2 years ago
– Thu, Oct 13, 2022 at 08:26:27 PM
Just a quick update this morning to let you guys know that proof copies for THE PHYLACTERY OMNIBUS are wrapping up and should be inbound any time. The projected time for me to receive them from Mixam is October 23rd, so I should be able to post a new update right after I return from Gamehole Con in Madison, WI. We should have had them on the 9th, but Mixam drug their feet just a bit... one more inconsequential woe of the small publisher!
Oh, and if any of you are at Gamehole Con next week, PLEASE stop by the Planet X Games booth on Demo Row (I promise, you can't miss it!) and say hello! I'd love to meet you and maybe even toss some dice with you!
Looking forward to getting these out to you guys. More information coming soon!
Backerkit Surveys Are On Their Way!
over 2 years ago
– Sat, Oct 01, 2022 at 04:18:49 AM
Hello everyone!
Just a quick update to let you know that Backerkit "smoke test" surveys are going out today, so keep your eyes peeled for 'em!
If everything is looking good in the smoke test, we'll send out the rest of the surveys later today.